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06th April 2018 by 
Sameena Hassam

Continuous Integration is designed to ensure quicker delivery of changes to production. But we still need to ensure these changes meet perform to expectation. How can we deliver performance assurance in the fast...

19th March 2018 by 
Gerald Mercieca


  • Infrastructure consumes large quantities of energy resulting in a significant chunk of a company’s costs and carbon footprint
  • 6 to 12% of the energy used by data centres is actually used to perform...
05th March 2018 by 
Danny Quilton

Modern businesses are struggling to control performance while enabling faster and more frequent business change. Our new infographic highlights how the 7 Pillars of Software Performance framework can help you to...

26th January 2018 by 
Team Capacitas


  • We recently delivered a project to independently performance assure the migration of 138 applications to new DC, this included some upgrades to OS and software versions
  • The key to delivering this was by...
10th January 2018 by 
Danny Quilton

Here at Capacitas we are often asked by clients of the feasibility of validating the scalability of a service by running a performance test against the live (production) service. Having delivered testing against...

02nd January 2018 by 
Danny Quilton

Capacitas has been involved in a number of different performance testing projects for various years now. One of our customers with which we have been involved for over 9 years follows the Agile methodology to...

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