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15th May 2020 by 
Dr. Manzoor Mohammed

Would you stare at a screen for hours waiting for your turn?

Customers hate website virtual queues. There's evidence on social media that users are frustrated with virtual queues. Academic research shows big queues...

13th May 2020 by 
Dr. Manzoor Mohammed

After the crisis, you'll be expected to do more with less IT budget

2020/2021 are going to be challenging years. You will be expected to do far more with less budget. The economy is going to shrink by 13%....

04th December 2019 by 
Dr. Manzoor Mohammed

Black Friday 2019 was really successful for UK retailers. This is excellent news for retail, given all the challenges facing the sector. 

28th November 2019 by 
Dr. Manzoor Mohammed

There’s no doubt that cloud is essential for any organisation wanting to stay competitive and encourage innovation to flourish. And if managed effectively, it can offer significant cost-saving and efficiency...

07th November 2019 by 
Dr. Manzoor Mohammed

It feels a bit like last-minute Christmas shopping — that frantic scramble to find a less than impressive gift. Only in this case, it's not too late to delight the business with an impressive performance over the...

29th October 2019 by 
Dr. Manzoor Mohammed

Until recently, major investments in hardware and software were signed off by the board as one-off CAPEX purchases. But the rise in public cloud use means there’s been a significant shift in the way services are...

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