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Using Fiddler to gain more information from JMeter

This post is based on the assumption that you have JMeter and Fiddler installed and a basic knowledge around how to use JMeter.

Fiddler and JMeter

In some cases when you are scripting something quite complicated you might just need a bit of extra information on the requests that you are making. I’ve used Fiddler a lot in the past to trace back requests and it turns out there is an easy way to integrate this with JMeter.

Fiddler works by placing a proxy between the requests you make and the internet, it does this automatically when you start it up. The default proxy address is (i.e. your local machine) across port 8888. For more info about Fiddler take a look at http://www.fiddler2.com/fiddler2/

Now all you need to do is get JMeter to send all its traffic through this proxy. To do this, navigate to your JMeter bin directory either in command line or through run and enter the following:

jmeter.bat –H –P 8888


Hit run or enter and you should be able to use JMeter as normal.

Now with fiddler running you should be able to see your requests being made and that extra detail that you’ve been looking for:

jmeter fiddler

Note that the above uses fiddler but this technique can be used with different proxies to gather the information or emulate what you are looking for. You can do this by using the following commands after jmeter.bat

-H           [IP address of your proxy server]

-P            [port number of your proxy server]

-N           [Non proxy hosts could be ‘localhost’ or something like ‘*.apache.org’]

-u            [Username for proxy authorisation (optional)]

-a            [Password for proxy authorisation (optional)]

You should now be able to let your proxy pick up all requests made from your script(s) which should make life just that bit easier.

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